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Macey Thompson's Tales

I have recently become obsessed with collecting books for my future elementary classroom. I look forward to creating an online library of some of my favorites and planning how I will use each book in my classroom.

Llama Llama Mad at Mama

Llama Llama Mad at Mama - Anna Dewdney

Llama Llama Mad at Mama is on a 1.9 AR level. This story is about Llama Llama who goes to the store with his mama. While at the store, Llama Llama gets impatient and begins to whine and throw a fit. However, Mama settles Llama Llama down and he realizes shopping is not too bad when he lends Mama a hand. I feel like this story could be a good start to a unit on emotions. In my classroom, I could use this story to show how we can sometimes go from mad to happy in a short span of time. I also could bring in ads and allow children to cut out groceries to fill their shopping carts and then write a summary of Llama Llama Mad at Mama to go along with the shopping cart.